Terms of Use

Below are the terms and conditions governing the website www.mangansolutions.com

https://mangansoltions.com is the property of Mangan Solutions Ltd.

By using this website, you accept these terms and conditions in full. If you disagree with these terms and conditions or our privacy policy, you must not use the site.

License to use website

Content on this website is the property of Mangan Solutions Ltd and subject to copyright restrictions.
It is acceptable to view or print pages for your own personal use, but it is not acceptable to distribute copied content from this website.

Acceptable use

You must not cause damage to this website or use this website in any unlawful, illegal, fraudulent or harmful activities.
You are prohibited to use this website to copy, store, host, transmit, send, use, publish or distribute any material which consists of (or is linked) to any spyware, computer virus, Trojan horse, worm, spambot, or any other malicious apps or software.

It is prohibited to extract any systematic data collection from this website without prior authorisation.
No one has authorisation to send or distribute content other than Mangan Solutions Ltd.

Loss and damages – indemnify

You agree to compensate for losses and damages and undertake to keep Mangan Solutions Ltd indemnified against losses, damages, costs, liabilities and expenses including legal expense.

Breaches of these terms and conditions

If terms and conditions are breached or there is a security risk to this website we may take the appropriate action:

  • Suspending accounts held on this website immediately

  • Blocking IP addresses

  • Contact your ISP to advise of activity

  • Seek legal action

Changes to Terms and Conditions

From time to time these Terms and Conditions with be reviewed and revised to align with our services and responsibilities. Check the current date of the Terms and conditions to allow for updates.

Privacy Policy

These terms and conditions, together with privacy policy, constitute the entire agreement you have with Mangan Solutions Ltd in relation to your use of this website.

Law and jurisdiction

Our terms and conditions are in accordance with UK and EU law so any disputes will have to go through the legal process.

Contacting Us

If you have a query or complaint relating to the website please email: info@mangansolutions.com